Call for NIR2029 Bidder

The ICNIRS is calling for bidding country to host the International Conferece of NIRS in the year of 2029. Bidder must be scientist in the country (not organizer or hotel). Please send your wish to bid to by 10 April 2025. Bidder must be presented at the ICNIRS General Meeting to give presentation (5-10

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Goodbye Paul Geladi

The ICNIRS regrets to inform you that Prof. Paul Geladi, the convenor of NIR 2007, passed away Saturday May 18th, 2024 in Umea, Sweden, at the age of 72. We will always remember him and his great contributions to the international NIR community. A memorial page has been setup – please visit and share your

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The Karl Norris Award 2023 goes to …

It is a great pleasure to announce that the Karl Norris Award 2023 goes to Professor Harald Martens from Norway. Harald has been instrumental in the development of chemometrics algorithms as a tool for quantitative analysis of NIR spectra. In particular Harald has played a central role in the development of common and omnipresent algorithms

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23rd edition of NIRS course in Cordoba (Spain)

The 23rd edition of the course entitled “Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS): Applications in Quality Control and Traceability of Agri-Food Products and Processes”, was held at the University of Cordoba (Spain), February 13th-16th, 2023. The course was designed for pre and post graduate students, scientists, and professionals with different backgrounds (analytical chemistry, soils science, animal nutrition,

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Call for KNA2023 nomination

The ICNIRS is now inviting nominations for the 2023 Karl Norris Award (KNA). The KNA honours the unique contribution of Karl Norris as the internationally recognised founder of modern near-infrared spectroscopy. The award is made in recognition of a major contribution to the science of near infrared spectroscopy, including research and development of new technology.

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Call for application: Emeritus Travel Grants for NIR2023

The Council may provide a maximum of two Emeritus Grants, to assist eligible senior scientists, who have retired from full-time paid employment, to attend the NIR-2023 Conference and act as mentors to young scientists, providing research advice in a designated and closed conference session. Applications must be sent by e-mail to Treasure, Dr. Peter Tillman

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Tomas Hirschfeld Award 2022: The winner is…

Congratulations Dr. Wouter Saeys from the KU Leuven, Belgium, as the winner of the Tomas Hirschfeld Award (THA) 2022. This award, sponsored by PerkinElmer (USA), is made in recognition of a significant innovative and/or scientific contribution to near infrared spectroscopy. It awarded on the basis of excellence in research conducted by a scientist of international

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