The previous winners of the Fellowship Award are as follows:
- 1997 Karl Norris
- 1999 Gerald Birth
- 1999 Phil Williams
- 2001 John Shenk
- 2001 Fred McClure
- 2003 Karoly Kaffika
- 2005 F.E. (Woody) Barton II
- 2005 Mutsuo Iwamoto
- 2007 Ian Murray
- 2007 A.M.C. (Tony) Davies
- 2009 Roberto Giangiacomo
- 2011 Tomas Isaksson
- 2011 Ian Cowe
- 2011 Peter Flinn
- 2015 Harald Martens
- 2017 Yukihiro Ozaki, Japan
2017 Fellowship Award: Yukihiro Ozaki
Yukihiro Ozaki is Ph D. in physical and Inorganic Chemistry from the Faculty of Science, Osaka University, Japan, in 1978. He is Vice President at Kwansei Gakuin University and professor at the Department of Chemistry in School of Science and Technology from this University. His main research area is the NIR spectroscopy (Spectral analysis, Imaging, Applications to Chemistry), IR, Raman and FUV Spectroscopy. He has won several awards, including the Tomas Hirschfeld Award (1998), Eastern Analytical Symposium Award (2001), The Spectroscopical Society of Japan Award (2002), Science and Technology Award of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (2005), Gerald S. Birth Award (2006), The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry Award (2008), Dasari Lecture Award, George R. Harrison Spectroscopy Laboratory, MIT (2011), Bomem-Michelson Award (2014), The Chemical Society of Japan Award (2017). He has also won several fellow awards: Society for Applied Spectroscopy (2010), The Royal Society of Chemistry (2015), The Chemical Society of Japan (2016) and International Council of Near- infrared Spectroscopy (2017).
2015 Fellowship Award: Harald Martens
2009 Fellowship Award: Roberto Giangiacomo
Date online : 7 July 2017